When smart isn’t smart!

In 2011, I bought a smart TV. I was so excited by it – it had so many gizmos. Over the years, one by one, those gizmos disappeared until all that was left was iPlayer, Prime and Netflix. But, until recently, the TV itself worked fine – it was just dumber. When it eventually died, I thought “Why bother with a smart TV? I’ll just stream using my Chromecast.” It turned out I didn’t have that choice. Every TV I looked at was smart. So my new TV is full of gizmos, with apps to sign into every streaming service going. But how long will that last?

The issue isn’t just TVs. All smart gadgets have a life that’s not determined by how long the hardware lasts, but for how long the manufacturers support the software. Other than the obvious problem of expensive devices losing some – or in the worst cases, all – of their functionality, why does this matter? When you share data with an internet-connected smart device, you want to be assured it will be protected. That requires robust security and long-lasting support to protect against cyberthreats, but neither of these are guaranteed and far too many brands are abandoning devices too soon after launch. The longest support period – offered by the most reputable companies – is five years. Some companies only offer one year.

Smart rules

In April 2024, the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act came into force. It’s a big step forward for the safety of smart devices like TVs, speakers and cameras, requiring companies that make or sell these products to follow specific rules to keep them secure. For example, devices must have stronger passwords and clear information about how long they’ll get updates for. The goal is to protect people from cyberthreats and ensure that the smart gadgets we use every day are safe and reliable. Yet a recent Which? report shows many major brands are still unclear or ignoring these rules. Worse, nearly 90% of smart gadgets on eBay, Amazon and Temu don’t meet the legal standards, putting your security at risk.

Gift smartly

In this season of giving, let’s not forget to gift ourselves and our loved ones the best possible smart home experience. By choosing wisely, we can ensure our homes are smart, safe and secure. If you’re considering a smart gadget for Christmas, Which? explores the importance of security and long-term support while providing insights into trustworthy brands across devices, from smart TVs to doorbells, helping you make informed decisions that keep your data safe and your devices up to date, leading to a smarter and safer home.

So, as you sip on hot cocoa and bask in the glow of holiday lights, remember that a little knowledge can go a long way in making your Christmas merry and bright. Happy Christmas!

An AI-generated image of a couple sitting in a room decorated for Christmas, looking at a smart TV and gifting each other a variety of smart gadgets.







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