Once you’ve mastered the basics you’ll have the confidence to try new things. I can help you take the next steps.
Social media
Facebook and Twitter aren’t just for teenagers! They’re a great way of keeping in touch with friends or for sharing your thoughts with the world. I can help you set up social media accounts safely and show you how to use them.
Social media doesn’t stop with Facebook and Twitter. You can use Pinterest to share beautiful or interesting things you find on the internet or join people sharing thoughts on WordPress. As an avid cook, I’m always hunting for recipes online and I keep everything I find on my Recipe Box on CopyMeThat.
Track your finances and save money on your bills
Do you keep your accounts manually? I can show you how to use a spreadsheet to keep them on your computer.
Are you confused.com? The internet offers many opportunites to save money on utility bills and insurance. It’s a shame to miss out on some of the deals simply because you’re not confident using the web. I can show you which sites you can use to hunt down the best deals and give you the confidence to use them.
Take up a new hobby, or explore new avenues for an old one
Whatever your hobby, the internet may open up new avenues for you. I can help you find those new avenues and show you how to make the most of them. Finding information or a like-minded community online can really add to your experience.
For example, if you are researching your family tree there are many, many resources available online to help you expand it. You may even end up finding some long lost cousins.
Find out about … anything!
There is so much information available on the web and you can research anything that interests you. From looking for a holiday, researching which is the best TV/washing machine/car for you, reading reviews of books or music, following up on an interesting news article or finding out about a medical condition to learning a new language, appreciating beautiful pictures or studying quantum mechanics the information is out there and I can help you find it.
These are just a few of the things I can help with. If you would like me to point you in the right direction just click Contact me to book a lesson with me.